Product And Device Registration

Product Licensing and Registration in Vietnam

If you plan to expand your product market to Vietnam, a few registrations are required before you can sell in the local economy.

First, you will need licensing and approval from the Ministry of Trade, and then you will need to register the product, device or service you are planning on selling.

It is a long-winded and confusing process to get approvals from various ministries and government offices. But Express Vietnam will make this process stress free, quick and secure for you. We will apply for all registrations and licenses on your company’s behalf to ensure you can begin trading at your earliest.

Processing Time​

  • The processing time for medical devices can take between 15-25 days.
  • Registration of Cosmetic products can take a longer time and is usually between 30-35 days.
Price starts from
$1,000 USD

How To Apply For Product Registrations In Vietnam For An Overseas Company

Type A Products

Medical devices and Cosmetics classified as Type A means that there is low-health risk related to the technical design. For these products, you should follow this procedure:

The application procedure is different for the type of products that you are registering.

You will need declarations of applicable standards to send to the Health Departments (DOH). Companies are based via the online portal of DMEC.

When the Health Departments receive the documents, they will issue a notice of receipt of declarations for applicable standards.

If you fulfill the criteria, the request for your license registration will be accepted.

The registration number for Type A medical devices and cosmetics is effective indefinitely.

Type B, C and D Products

These medical devices and cosmetics are defined as low to medium, with medium to high and high-risk levels, respectively. Follow these steps for the application procedure:

Applications for registration must be submitted to the DMEC through the online portal.

When the application is received, you will receive a receipt for it.

If your products already have respective national technical regulations, the registration will take 10 to 30 days.

If your products do not have respective national technical regulations, the registration can take 15 to 60 days.

In case your application is incomplete, the MOH will inform you about the missing documents that you need to submit.

Registration for Type B, C and D medical devices and cosmetics is effective for five years.

Ready to register your Product and Device?

This registration can take up to 1 month.
Apply Now

Frequently Asked Question for Clients​

Read Full FAQ
01 Who needs a Vietnam visa?

A valid visa is required for almost all foreigners to enter Vietnam, except for those whose nationalities are included in the Vietnam visa exemption list approved by the Vietnam Government. The Vietnam visa exemption is granted to the following:

  1. Citizens of Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Laos for visits of 30 days at the maximum.
  2. Citizens of the Philippines for visits of 21 days at the maximum.
  3. Citizens of Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, and Finland for visits of 15 days at the maximum.
  4. Citizens of Brunei, Myanmar for visits of 14 days at the maximum.
  5. Citizens of France holding valid diplomatic or official passports for visits of 90 days at the maximum or several visits of 6 months at the maximum.
  6. Citizens of Chile holding valid diplomatic or official passports for visits of 90 days at the maximum.
  7. APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) Holders from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies for visits of 60 days at the maximum.
  8. Citizens of the UK, Italy, Germany, Spain, and France for visits of 15 days at maximum until June 30, 2020.
  9. Citizens of Belarus for visits of 15 days at maximum until June 30, 2020
02 What if my passport expired? Can I apply for a visa to Vietnam?

If your passport is expired, you cannot apply for your Vietnam visa. Please renew your passport before applying for a visa to Vietnam.

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from your date of arrival in Vietnam.

03 I am a Vietnamese, currently living overseas with a foreign nationality, how can I get a Vietnam visa?

As Vietnamese overseas, you are kindly advised to choose either of the two following options:

  1. Apply for a visa exemption by visiting Vietnam Embassy/Consulate. For further information about Vietnam visa exemption for Vietnamese overseas, please read this link
  2. If you want to save time, you could apply for a Vietnam visa online with Express Vietnam.
04 What if my Vietnam visa is about to expire?

If your Vietnam visa is about to expire and you wish to stay in Vietnam for longer than your visa, you need to get it renewed. You should do it at least 10 days in advance. Contact us on Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger and we can help start your renewal process.